Be part of the biggest student entrepreneurship event in the Netherlands!

We drive the creation, connection, and collaboration needed for student entrepreneurship. We are on a mission to help the next generation of founders to have an impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Be part of the movement and join our RISE!

In the three-day program, we will bring you closer to the start-up world. The program will be as follows:

Day 1: We start the event series with inspiring speakers and we will hear what it means to be an entrepreneur. They share their valuable experiences. Next to that, we offer a discussion panel where you can get all your questions answered ? ? ?

Day 2: Day two is all about participation! We select high potential start-up ideas that pitch their idea in front of investors intending to get their idea off the ground

Be part and contribute your ideas during an open mic session ? ? ?

Day 3: During day three we will host the finale of the major city startup competition. You will have the chance to meet our amazing partners and have a chat with them. In the end, we will round up the biggest national student entrepreneurship event with a bang!

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the event!

Sign up for the event here.

From the 31st of May @ 19:00 until the second of June @ 22:00