EUR en gemeente gaan samenwerken: 300.000 euro naar ondernemers en innovatie

De Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) en de gemeente Rotterdam ondertekenden woensdag een overeenkomst om de samenwerking het komende jaar op te schalen. Samen gaan ze flink investeren in ondernemerschap en innovatie in de stad.

Zowel de gemeente als de universiteit verbindt zich met de overeenkomst aan het investeren van 150.000 euro per jaar – in geld of in natura – in bestaande en nieuwe projecten om ondernemerschap, innovatie en maatschappelijk welzijn in Rotterdam te stimuleren.

In een arbeidersstad als Rotterdam zijn het opstarten van middelgrote en kleine bedrijven en het innoveren van bedrijfsvoering belangrijk. Binnen de Erasmus Universiteit is de organisatie Erasmus Enterprise (EE) verantwoordelijk voor verschillende programma’s om studenten en ondernemers bij elkaar te brengen.

Verschillende programma’s

Zo organiseert EE onder meer aankomend jaar een nationale wedstrijd, waarbij deelnemers een halve dag workshops krijgen in het opzetten van een bedrijf en een klein stimuleringsfonds kunnen winnen voor het beste idee voor Rotterdam.

Ook is er bijvoorbeeld Talent for Transition: een ander programma van EE, waarbij de focus ligt op het verduurzamen van bedrijfsvoering. Daarnaast zijn er meer maatschappelijke programma’s als SheLeads+, dat zich inzet op het aantrekken van vrouwelijke ondernemers.

Prof. dr. Annelien Bredenoord, bestuursvoorzitter van de EUR, ondertekende de overeenkomst. ,,Via concrete projecten in de stad zetten we academische kennis om in praktische oplossingen voor het midden- en kleinbedrijf. Ik kijk uit naar de impact die we hiermee gaan maken.”

Nadia Madnoersan​

Founders’ Friday with Sofia van Buuren, FitFlask

Entrepreneurship can be demanding and sometimes overwhelming, especially when balancing a full-time student life with the fast-paced world of business. However, to succeed and avoid being bogged down by negativity, it’s essential to focus on the positive and draw inspiration from those around us. One such source of inspiration is Sofia van Buuren, one of the ideation finalists of the Erasmus University Challenge 2024. As the founder of FitFlask, Sofia embodies resilience, passion, and vision: qualities that make her our Friday Founder.

Goals and Mission

Sofia, the mastermind of FitFlask, brought the idea of combining something ordinary, like a water bottle, and combine it with something revolutionary: the palm cooling technology. Initially, this technology may sound like something taken out of an alien movie, something that cannot be confined within a water bottle- and that was true, until Sofia came up with this twist. 

The palm-cooling works like this: when you feel overwhelmed during your regular workout, it is usually because you are overheating, which nudges you to stop working out completely. But, by touching something that has a cold surface, your bodily temperature is regulated, then you can continue to work out! 

Noticing that palm cooling technology was overlooked, she integrated it into a gym essential: a water bottle, making it effortless to adopt and fit seamlessly into existing routines.

Sofia's Mission: to decrease the level of athletics who are resuming to the consumption of steroids while combining the use of something that already exist and scaling it to the next level!

The Shiny Object Syndrome

Her first challenge was battling shiny object syndrome which is the tendency to focus on tasks that feel important but don’t actually drive progress. Early on, she found herself caught up in activities like designing logos or building a website without a viable product or leads. And, although they are important aspects of a business, Sofia claimed that it took conscious effort and practice to shift her focus toward tasks that truly moved the needle. Once she made that change, her business started to grow.

Another challenge was navigating the entrepreneurial world as a medical student with no prior business experience. She often felt unqualified, especially when competing in events like the Erasmus University Challenge. However, she realized that everyone brings unique strengths to the table. Her scientific background, for instance, became a valuable asset, helping her impress mentors and apply critical knowledge to her business. The key, she discovered, is to identify and leverage your strengths, even if they don’t seem relevant at first, to propel your venture forward.

The Innovative Product

To integrate palm cooling technology into something as simple as a water bottle, the design involves two layers: an inner layer for the water and an outer layer housing the cooling system. While the specifics are under wraps, the main challenge lies in miniaturizing the cooling technology. Unlike heating systems, cooling systems are notoriously difficult to shrink, making this a significant hurdle.

The biggest challenge is balancing size, weight, and functionality. While reducing the bottle’s size is tough, the focus remains on ensuring optimal cooling performance. Sacrifices like holding less water or being slightly heavier are acceptable if the product delivers maximum efficacy. The priority is to create a solution that works effectively, rather than compromising performance for convenience.


Pick something you genuinely love, something you can turn into a lifestyle.

Sofia van Buuren

To young entrepreneurs, her message is clear: become an action taker. Action is a skill you build and practice daily, and it’s the most valuable asset an entrepreneur can develop.

What's Next?

Sofia is on an exciting journey and invites you to be part of it! She’s currently searching for a tech co-founder, an engineer with expertise in medical, mechanical, or thermodynamic systems, to help bring FitFlask to life. Alongside this, she’s diving into market research to ensure the product meets real needs. “A great idea is just the beginning,” she shares. “Understanding the market is key before building something truly impactful.”

Startup OASYS NOW van EUR-alumni wint €1 miljoen in SLUSH competitie

Van Berlijn tot Helsinki: A Winning Streak

OASYS NOW, dat een intuïtief platform biedt dat patiënten wereldwijd in contact brengt met mogelijkheden voor klinisch onderzoek, begon hier aan onze Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Ze waren de eerste winnaars van de Erasmus University Challenge drie jaar geleden, georganiseerd door Erasmus Enterprise. Sindsdien heeft het team hun ondernemersvaardigheden aangescherpt en in 2022 wonnen ze dan ook de Stage Two prijs in Berlijn, waarmee ze hun positie als een van Europa’s top universitaire startups verstevigden.

SLUSH is een wereldwijde competitie voor startups, investeerders en de industrie, die jaarlijks wordt gehouden in Helsinki, Finland. SLUSH licht transformatieve innovaties uit en dient als lanceerplatform voor ondernemend talent dat wereldwijde uitdagingen aanpakt.  

Medeoprichter Nima Salami: “Het winnen van de SLUSH-prijs van € 1 miljoen is een bewijs van het potentieel van onze missie. We zetten ons in om de manier waarop mensen hun gezondheidsreis ervaren te transformeren. Deze erkenning biedt ons de kans om onze impact verder te vergroten.”

“We proberen de beste talenten in meerdere sectoren aan te trekken. Ik denk dat wat we gaan bouwen veel mensenlevens raakt, dus het aantrekken van het beste talent betekent niet alleen de ‘harde’ vaardigheden die ze hebben, maar ook de ‘hart’-vaardigheden”, zegt Nima Salami. Bovendien breidt OASYS NOW haar activiteiten uit buiten Europa. Sara Okhuijsen: “Het is onze missie om gepersonaliseerde gezondheidszorg wereldwijd toegankelijk te maken voor iedereen.”

Innovatie ondersteunen aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Het succes van OASYS NOW illustreert de impact van initiatieven zoals de Erasmus University Challenge, die innovatie stimuleert en opkomende ondernemers belangrijke middelen biedt. Erasmus Enterprise blijft ondernemingen steunen die echte problemen aanpakken met creativiteit en vastberadenheid.

Photo: Petri Anttila

Ideation: The Cornerstone of Entrepreneurship

When we think about entrepreneurship, we will think about hardship, we envision the finished product, thriving business, and satisfied customers. The truth is, all the successful businesses have one common foundation: the spark, or the idea. Ideation is the process of shaping and refining that spark. At Erasmus Enterprise, the importance of this phase is emphasized not only as the starting point, but also a stage that entrepreneurs revisit throughout their journey.

I’m Raluca Bularca, the social media and marketing assistant at Erasmus Enterprise—our vibrant ‘Yellow Temple.’ My own entrepreneurial journey is just beginning. While I’ve been lucky enough to support students chasing their entrepreneurial dreams, I’ve always hesitated to take the leap myself. That’s why I sat down with Ernst Hoestra, CEO of Erasmus Enterprise, to get his insights on the phases of entrepreneurship, starting with ideation. Here are the main takeaways:

Ideation is where it all begins, it's that phase where you take a mere spark of hope and work on making it tangible. This isn't just a one-time thing, no matter how successful your business becomes, you'll find yourself returning to this phase over and over again.

Ernst Hoestra

From Problem to Possibility

One of the key takeaways from the interview was the importance of aligning ideas with passion. Identifying that “big idea” starts by looking at everyday problems and considering how they can be solved. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to ask: What is the core issue? Who can benefit from the solution? And how can assumptions about the idea can be challenged and refined?

“Constant research and refinement are pivotal. If you want to make sure that your idea will evolve into something meaningful, you must start assuming things about your surroundings. Test your assumptions, research, and apply your findings.”

The Power of Passion

At the heart of ideation lies personal passion, and most of the successful ideas often come from entrepreneurs who are deeply invested in the issue that they are trying to solve. That is why entrepreneurship is not just about the problem you are solving; it is about tackling something that resonates personally. More than this, Hoestra emphasized that the ideation phase is not about developing a full business model, but it’s about exploring the idea’s potential and finding a unique space in the market.

A Journey That Never Ends

Innovation is never a straight line. Entrepreneurship is about constantly adapting, questioning, and being open to new ideas. Even experienced entrepreneurs revisit their original ideas when faced with challenges. Uncertainty shouldn’t be seen as an obstacle but as a signal to return to ideation, refine the idea, and let it guide you forward.

Embracing Uncertainty

The process of ideation is not a one-time event; it’s a continuous cycle. As the CEO put it, “You return to ideation again and again.” No matter how successful a business becomes, revisiting and refining the original idea remains crucial. This approach of breaking down thoughts, or “reverse engineering,” allows entrepreneurs to reconnect with the essence of their ideas and refine their solutions.

Entrepreneurship often begins with a mission or a burning question, whether it’s solving a problem or filling a gap in the market. The initial moment of inspiration might come from something as simple as observing challenges in daily life, such as inefficiencies at work or issues faced by students on campus. This is where the magic of ideation begins.

Ready to Begin?

Every entrepreneurial journey is unique, but guidance is always helpful. Erasmus Enterprise offers ideation workshops designed to spark creativity; help identify your audience, and guide you through the process of refining your solutions. Think of it as having a mentor by your side, ensuring you stay focused on your vision. You can download The Impact Starting Guide for more insights on how Erasmus Enterprise can support your journey. Follow along as we explore the endless possibilities of entrepreneurship together.

Spectacular Grand Finale of the Erasmus University Challenge 2024: Bigger Than Ever!

On September 19, the Excelsior Stadium was buzzing with excitement during the Grand Finale of the third edition of the Erasmus University Challenge. With a record-breaking 74 teams, revamped categories, and a focus on logistics, energy transition, and societal impact, this was the most impressive edition yet.

In addition to the familiar Ideation and Prototyping categories, a new Start-up category was introduced this year for more established ventures, raising the stakes and driving even more innovation! 

The Winners

  • Agora triumphed in the Ideation category (€3000 prize) with their revolutionary idea to enhance social cohesion by connecting people with local
  • PAVA won the Prototype prize (€4000) with their groundbreaking innovation, which involves placing sensors in elderly residents’ rooms, connected to a dashboard interface for caregivers.
  • The Start-up prize (€5000) was awarded toCupHubfor their pioneeringinitiativeCasey, a reliable storage and cleaning container for menstrual cups,allowing them to be discreetly cleaned anywhere.

Prof. Dr. Annelien Bredenoord, chairperson of the Executive Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam, emphasized the importance of innovation and societal impact: “The university not only adds value in education and research but is also a breeding ground for entrepreneurship. Here, ideas and innovations are born that make a real, lasting impact on society.”

Excitement Until the Very End

Jury member Han Go of Go-Tan B.V. praised the finalists for their resilience and perseverance: “Choosing a winner is no easy task because each team has shown impressive results and exudes success. The dedication and growth I have seen in everyone are simply inspiring.”

The €1000 Audience Award, voted live by viewers, was won by Fiwani. Category winners took home substantial cash prizes: €3000 for Ideation, €4000 for Prototype, and a whopping €5000 for Start-up. Free beers, wines and sodas is won by ModelMatic, and STAGE 2 Berlin is won by CubHub.

International Ambitions

Following this successful edition, the winners now have the chance to take the international stage at the Stage TWO competition in Berlin. With double the participation compared to the first edition and an unprecedented passion for entrepreneurship, the future of innovation looks bright.

The Erasmus University Challenge is organized by Erasmus Enterprise. For photos, videos, and more information, visit or contact

Erasmus Enterprise Announces Finalists of the Erasmus University Challenge 2024

Rotterdam, 12th September 2024 – Erasmus Enterprise proudly announces the 14 visionary start-ups and student initiatives that have made it to the finals of the prestigious Erasmus University Challenge. These finalists represent the future of innovation, showcasing bold ideas that are set to reshape industries, drive positive societal impact, and solve global challenges.

The third edition of the Erasmus University Challenge competition provides a platform for students to transform their ideas into viable business models. From streamlining emergency response times to creating eco-friendly baby clothing subscriptions, these projects aren’t just ideas; they’re blueprints for a better future.

Prizes Worth Up To €10.000,-

To help the winners make the next steps in their journey, finalists can win prizes in three categories: Ideation (€3,000 prize), Prototype (€5,000 prize), and Start-up (€10,000 prize). Aside from the monetary prizes, finalists of the Erasmus University Challenge can win the audience award (€1000,-), co-working spaces, a year of free beers or wines or sodas. They gain access to expert mentorship, personalised coaching, and valuable networking opportunities with industry leaders and investors. They also receive visibility within the entrepreneurial community and potential partnerships to help accelerate the growth and positive impact of their ventures. Additionally, winners benefit from access to Erasmus Enterprise’s innovation ecosystem, offering resources to further develop or scale their businesses.

The initiative is a testament to Erasmus University’s commitment to fostering entrepreneurial talent and driving positive change in society. “The programme mirrors the real startup and scale-up world closely. Even if some ideas don’t make it to the finals, participants gain invaluable lessons along the way. We’re proud to kickstart their entrepreneurial journey.” said Liesje Goldschmidt of Erasmus Enterprise.

Introducing The Finalists

After a rigorous selection process, 14 exceptional teams have been chosen to compete in the Erasmus University Challenge finals.

In the Ideation category, participants focus on the conceptual development of innovative ideas that have the potential to solve real-world problems. The Prototype category is for teams that have moved beyond the idea phase and developed a working model or proof of concept for their solution. In the Start-up category, participants are scaling or refining their ventures with established business models and real-world market potential.

In the Ideation category, Samaritance, FitFlask, Agora, and SafeSips bring forward creative and visionary concepts.

The Prototype category features advanced solutions from Edion, Fiwani, Aestuarium, Emilaid, MiniSwaps, and PAVA, all focusing on turning ideas into tangible products.
Finally, the Start-up category showcases the impressive growth of CupHub, Buzz – Power Bank Sharing, Modelmatic, and Hops & Co., each demonstrating real-world market potential. These teams represent the future of innovation, with projects spanning technology, health, sustainability, and societal impact.

Bryan Van Rij from Agora said: “It’s an inspiring day where we combine theory and practical insights. I’m also very happy and excited to be one of the finalists.” These finalists have demonstrated outstanding potential in addressing contemporary challenges across various sectors, including health and wellness, sustainability, technology, and social entrepreneurship.

Among the finalists, CupHub has been selected to represent Erasmus University at the prestigious Stage TWO competition in Berlin, an international start-up event that brings together Europe’s top university spin-offs. Having advanced from the Prototype category to the Start-up category, CupHub’s rapid growth and success reflect its strong potential in the sustainable packaging industry.

Join Us at the Grand Finale!

Find out who the next Dennis Bergkamp and Frank de Boer will be in the Grand Finale of the Erasmus University Challenge, which will take place on 19th September 2024, at the Excelsior Stadium, Rotterdam.

This thrilling event offers you a front-row seat to witness the next generation of innovators, network with industry leaders, and support solutions that will shape our world. Secure your spot and experience the future of entrepreneurship. For more details on the event and to secure your spot, please visit Erasmus University Challenge Grand Finale.

About Erasmus University Challenge

The Erasmus University Challenge is a platform that encourages students to develop their entrepreneurial skills and turn their innovative ideas into real-world solutions. It connects ambitious students with business experts, enabling them to create startups that contribute positively to society. The Challenge reflects Erasmus Enterprise’s dedication to fostering a culture of innovation and positive societal impact.

For further information, please contact:

Amy Kong
Marketing & Communications Lead

Founders’ Friday: Hops&Co.

Located in the heart of the Woudestein Campus, Erasmus Enterprise connects the entrepreneurial community with aspiring students eager to make a significant impact. With passion and dedication, we foster innovative ideas, expand networks, and provide financial advice and support.

In this week’s Founders’ Friday series, we shine the spotlight on an innovative student-led  startup that has received the Startup Voucher, a financial support product offered by Erasmus Enterprise. Their dedication to entrepreneurship and sustainability shines through their participation in the Erasmus University Challenge, a competition for startups at all stages. As one of the finalist teams, they stand out for their innovative approach. Join us as we explore their entrepreneurial journey and uncover how they aim to revolutionize the beer industry

From waste to resource, from problem to solution! Innovating with purpose, inspiring with action! Where brewing ends, innovation begins!


Overview and Mission

Hops & Co. is on a mission to make the beer brewing industry more sustainable. They achieve this by upcycling the byproducts of beer brewing into highly nutritious, sustainable flour. After collecting the spent grain from their partner breweries, they dry and mill it to produce flour. This flour is then distributed to their customers, which include local cafés, bakeries, and restaurants that use it to create a variety of goods. By doing so, Hops & Co. contributes to a circular economy, reduces waste, and helps local businesses adopt sustainable practices at an affordable price—offering their flour at a price comparable to conventional options.

Moritz Jäger and Luis Koenigs are the co-founders and team leaders of Hops & Co. Both are 20-year-old International Business students from Germany, currently expanding their team with plans to have 7-8 members by the end of September.

Initially, Moritz and Luis were part of an innovation team within Enactus, a student association at Erasmus University that serves as a startup incubator. In late 2023, along with a few former team members, they founded Hops & Co., inspired by the vast potential for upcycling spent grain, a highly nutritious byproduct. Rotterdam’s network of microbreweries, cafés, and restaurants further fueled their mission.

Through conversations with brewery representatives, Moritz and Luis discovered that waste management is often an expensive, time-consuming task that harms the environment, especially when spent grains are transported over long distances or disposed of. Even when not wasted, these byproducts are typically sent to farms for animal feed. On the customer side, they found that many local businesses want to adopt sustainable products but are often deterred by the high costs—sustainable alternatives are typically three to four times more expensive than conventional products. This is where Hops & Co. saw an opportunity: to upcycle byproducts into highly nutritious flour and offer local facilities an affordable, sustainable alternative.

To turn their vision into reality, Hops & Co. needed financial support. They quickly identified Erasmus Enterprise’s Startup Voucher as a potential funding source and decided to apply for the €2,500 voucher. During the application process, they were closely guided by Erasmus Enterprise representatives, who provided invaluable support. The team was required to outline their business model, evaluate their competitive advantage, and present a detailed plan for the voucher’s use. Shortly after submitting all necessary documents, they were thrilled to learn that they had been granted the voucher.

This achievement marks a crucial turning point for Hops & Co. Not only do Moritz and Luis feel proud and validated in their work, but they now have the means to turn Hops & Co. into a fully operational venture. The voucher will enable them to purchase professional equipment, rent a production facility, and generate their first sales.

They learned that if you are confident in an idea and truly believe in it, even when it’s still in the theoretical stage, you should share it with others. Once you dare to do so, representing your idea to potential stakeholders becomes much easier, and convincing others of your concept follows naturally. Hops & Co. took that leap of faith and have been substantially rewarded.

Insights for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Know the customers, not just your product

Understanding customers is key to growing a business. Identify their pain points, unmet needs, and create solutions around them. If you focus on solving a real problem, there will always be customers. The best business ideas aren’t necessarily new inventions—they simply address a clear unmet need.

Networking and Relationships

Surround yourself with mentors, fellow entrepreneurs, and customers who can provide valuable feedback and support as you pursue your mission.

Get comfortable with uncertainty

There will always be things you can’t predict. Embrace uncertainty and move forward with calculated risks, rather than trying to control every aspect.

Reflecting on Journey

Not every decision Hops & Co. made turned out as planned. However, each choice was crucial for learning important skills and developing aspects of the venture that are essential today. For example, when they first experimented with brewing spent grain, they started by making granola bars. While they have since shifted their focus entirely to flour, the lessons learned from those early experiments were invaluable.

Want to be the next one featured?

Want to showcase your startup to a global audience? We are dedicated to highlighting the journeys of entrepreneurs and sharing their stories with our worldwide community. By featuring your startup, we aim to inspire others and celebrate your achievements. To be considered, simply fill out the form, and our team will reach out to you!

Founders’ Friday: Discovering the Impact of I SEE U Baby Care

This year, Erasmus Enterprise proudly hosted the inaugural NL Startup Competition in collaboration with MT/Sprout, Upstream Festival, and Golden Egg Check. This groundbreaking event marked the first national pitching competition in the Netherlands exclusively for startups. From a pool of 109 applicants, only 16 teams advanced to the finals. Among them, Chanel Sam stood out as a remarkable innovator, winning the Digital Category with her startup, I SEE U Baby Care. To celebrate her impact and innovation, we sat down with Chanel to discuss her entrepreneurial journey and glean valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs. Join us as Chanel shares more about I SEE U Baby Care, her path to success, and her advice for those looking to make their mark in the startup world.

Mission and Goals of I SEE U Baby Care

At I SEE U Baby Care, our mission is simple yet profound: reduce the major sleep deprivation for babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Sleep in preterm infants is challenging to recognize, often displaying active behavior that adults don’t associate with rest. Our advanced video recognition software accurately detects sleep, functioning as a decision-support system. This technology will make neonatal sleep measurable and actionable, providing healthcare professionals with a user-friendly tool to enhance infant care.

From Neuroscience to Entrepreneurship: The Genesis of I SEE U Baby Care

My entrepreneurial journey began in the realm of research. With a background in Neuroscience and Cognition, my internship with the sleep team at Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital introduced me to the intricate world of sleep in premature babies. Witnessing the potential impact of our research, I was inspired to bridge the gap between science and everyday life. After finishing my master’s curriculum, I followed an additional six months (minor) of science business courses. This made me feel as ready as I could be, to launch I SEE U Baby Care and transform this amazing research into a tangible startup.

Valuable Insights for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

One principle that guides me is the understanding ‘even the people who are high up the hierarchical ladder, big in the news or have big titles to their names, are still people’. Who knew?! Starting a conversation with genuine passion and a clear plan to make an impact can resonate deeply with anyone. If you believe someone and/or their network can aid your growth, don’t hesitate to reach out. Embrace your authenticity and seize the opportunity.

Journey: Lessons and Perspectives

Throughout my journey, many have questioned the stability of life with a startup, sometimes suggesting alternatives like pursuing a PhD. While the fear of uncertainty is understandable and common, it’s crucial to recognize that this very uncertainty often hinders research from reaching its full potential in real-world applications. I’m grateful that I didn’t let these doubts deter me.

Strategies for Entrepreneurial Success

In the early stages of I SEE U Baby Care, I made it a point to engage with as many entrepreneurial individuals as possible. Each conversation added to my to-do list (in a good way) but, more importantly, helped shape my understanding of what a startup entails. These interactions were instrumental in building my confidence and positioning my startup for success.

Navigating Challenges and Maintaining Resilience

To stay on track, I rely on two key strategies: talking to experienced individuals and maintaining a structured approach. I developed multiple roadmap covering every aspect of the startup, from product development to team building. Clear goals pave the way for multiple pathways to success. This means that my goals are clear, and I believe whenever the goal is clear, there will be a 100 ways that can bring you there. One of them: talking to many people is a very smart way to gain a lot of information fast and the personal contacts you make in the process makes the journey doubly rewarding.

If you find the story of I SEE U Baby Care inspiring and are interested in joining Chanel’s mission, she is actively seeking co-founders in tech and health economics. Connect with her and work together to make a difference!

Want to be the next one featured?

Want to showcase your startup to a global audience? We are dedicated to highlighting the journeys of entrepreneurs and sharing their stories with our worldwide community. By featuring your startup, we aim to inspire others and celebrate your achievements. To be considered, simply fill out the form, and our team will reach out to you!

Founders’ Friday: Celebrating Marta Imeneo and PLAYFOOL

Because we want to celebrate innovation and brilliant startups within our ecosystem, today, on the Founders’ Friday edition, Erasmus Enterprise proudly presents Marta Imeneo, a visionary entrepreneur behind the innovative PLAYFOOL application. Selected as a recipient of the Startup Voucher, Marta exemplifies the spirit of innovation and determination driving the entrepreneurial landscape. She was also one of the winners of last year’s Erasmus University Challenge. Join us as we interview Marta and learn more about her entrepreneurial journey.


PLAYFOOL is an app designed to distract you from unhealthy cravings, helping to reduce consumption and encourage mindfulness. Our goal is to raise awareness about alcohol and cigarette use and combat the peer pressure often associated with these habits

Marta's Journey with the Startup Voucher

Having previously worked as an ambassador and promoter, Marta was well-acquainted with the competition and its benefits. When the opportunity for the startup voucher arose, she seized it immediately.

“The startup voucher was an unexpected bonus,” Marta shares. “It allowed me to shift my focus to developing our predictive algorithm right away. This new version of PLAYFOOL can now predict the times of day and week when users are most likely to crave alcohol or cigarettes and send notifications to help them stay mindful. This development came much sooner thanks to the voucher. It arrived at the perfect time, and I was able to complete the application quickly, knowing exactly how it would benefit our startup.”

Insights for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Investment StrategyMarta observes that many entrepreneurs gauge their success based on investment funds. “While securing investments is crucial for growth, it’s equally important to be strategic about it. Sometimes, bootstrapping is the best approach if you have the necessary resources at the moment.”

Business Model Considerations: Reflecting on her journey, Marta emphasizes the importance of thoroughly considering the business model. “Early on, we quickly decided whether PLAYFOOL would be B2B or B2C without exploring all our options. This led us to miss some great market-fit opportunities. I advise spending ample time discussing every aspect of your business model with your team and keeping an open mind even after settling on a strategy. Remember, pivoting is always an option.”

Overcoming Adversity: Marta highlights product validation as a significant challenge. “Entrepreneurs must be prepared to set aside their egos and listen to their audience and market feedback. You might believe in your product, but your target group needs to believe in it too.”

Want to Be Featured Next?

Unlock your entrepreneurial potential with the Startup Voucher—an exclusive opportunity open to all ambitious young minds ready to ignite their business dreams. Don’t miss your chance to seize this invaluable resource and embark on your journey towards success!

Want to be the next one featured?

Unlock your entrepreneurial potential with the Startup Voucher – an exclusive opportunity open to all ambitious young minds ready to ignite their business dreams. Don’t miss your chance to seize this invaluable resource and embark on your journey towards success!

Apply for the Startup Voucher

Skyrocket your venture now by applying now for funding!

Founders’ Friday- The NL Startup Competition Winner, Nadia Fani

This year, Erasmus Enterprise proudly hosted the first NL Startup Competition in collaboration with MT/Sprout, Upstream Festival, and Golden Egg Check. This event marked the first national pitching competition in the Netherlands dedicated to startups. Out of 109 applicants, only 16 teams advanced to the finals. Coastruction participated in the Circular/Sustainable category, and we are excited to learn more about their startup as we sit down with Nadia Fani, the Founder of Coastruction. Our mission is to empower emerging startups by sharing the stories of successful ones. Join us to read more about Nadia’s advice and journey.

Coastruction Overview and Mission

Coastruction develops 3D-printing technology to produce purpose-built reefs. Their mission is to restore marine ecosystems and protect coastlines worldwide. They achieve this by increasing local biodiversity, enhancing environmental quality, and promoting sustainability through this nature-based solution. Their goals include increasing or restoring biodiversity underwater, coastal protection, fostering community engagement, using sustainable materials, advancing reef technology, and partnering with various stakeholders to expand our impact.

Nadia’s journey as an entrepreneur began with a deep passion for 3D printing technology and a desire to tackle the pressing issues of biodiversity loss and coastal erosion. Witnessing the detrimental effects of climate change on marine ecosystems motivated her to explore using 3D printing as one of the solutions to these problems. The potential of 3D-printing technology to create sustainable and effective reef structures was a major catalyst that prompted her to start Coastruction.

Insights for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Nadia advises aspiring entrepreneurs to stay passionate and purpose-driven, as your passion for your mission will drive you through challenges and inspire others to join your cause. She emphasizes the importance of embracing innovation by continuously seeking out and adopting new technologies and methods that can improve your product or service. Building a strong network is crucial; collaborating with like-minded individuals and organizations can provide invaluable support and expertise. Learning from failures is essential; each setback is an opportunity to learn and grow, so don’t be discouraged by failures—use them to refine your approach.

Reflecting on her journey, Nadia would place a greater emphasis on believing in her own capabilities. Confidence in oneself is key to overcoming the inevitable challenges faced by entrepreneurs.

Nadia highlights several strategies that have been instrumental in her success. Community engagement has been crucial, involving local communities and stakeholders in projects to ensure success and sustainability. Focusing on sustainability by prioritizing sustainable materials and methods has set a strong foundation for Coastruction’s mission and brand identity. Building strong partnerships with educational institutions, environmental organizations, and industry leaders has been instrumental in advancing Coastruction’s projects.

Navigating Challenges

To navigate challenges and setbacks, Nadia relies on adaptability, being flexible and open to changing approaches when necessary to overcome obstacles and find new solutions. She emphasizes the importance of having a strong team, as a dedicated and passionate team provides strength and diverse perspectives to tackle problems collectively. Continuous learning is also key; staying informed about the latest developments in technology, environmental science, and business practices keeps Coastruction ahead of the curve. Maintaining a clear vision and goals ensures the team stays motivated and focused, even during tough times. Regularly revisiting and reaffirming goals helps maintain momentum and direction.

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Founders' Friday Feature

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